Happy New Year!!
This New Years was fun and low key. My mom and dad had us all over to play games. We had a blast. It was nice because all of the grandkids were there so we could just let them play, while we played an intense game of Bunko!! Anyway, it was a blast.
This year is a big one for our family. Hayden will be two in April. Jon will be completing his master's Degree in may and I hope to complete school in the Fall. In May we will be celebrating our five year anniversary!! Wow, I cant believe Jon has put up with me that long. In Celebration of our anniversary and graduation. Me and Jon are going to Disney World and the Disney Cruise for a few days!! I am so excited. We are leaving Hayden at home to stay with the grandma's so it will be a nice break. However, we have never left more than overnight so that will be a challeng for us. But, it is muchly needed. Anyway, that is about all that is new with us right now!! But, we will keep you posted.