March 15, 2009

Welcome Little Brother!

Well, little Noah finally arrived!! He was born on March 12, 2009 at 6:49 pm. He weighs 7 lbs 2 oz. and is 20 inches long. The story of his arrival is very interesting!! I was induced and everything was going well however, I had a headache(of course)!! Every time the nurse would come in to check on me it would make me more and more nauseous. Well, the last time she came in she said I was all dialated and ready to start pushing. She said she was going to page the doctor and we can start pushing. Well, after she left I started throwing up and I felt something between my legs so I called Jon and told him to call the nurse. He did and by the time she got there and checked he was here!! So, the doctor or the nurse didn't actually deliver him! That is just the short tale but, it was a very interesting and I am so glad he is here and healthy!! He is a very well natured baby just when it comes to feeding!! Which he seems to always be hungry! Here are some pics!!

March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Jon

Yesterday was Jon's Birthday!! It was nice to spend the evening together, although I feel bad because it was a little overshadowed by the baby(or lack of)! No, I have not had the baby yet! I went to the doctor yesterday and you guessed it.... Nothing has changed, not in 5 weeks I have stayed the same. So, I guess tomorrow is the big day because I finally gave in and set up an induction. So, it is really nice to know the end is in sight!! So, we will let everyone know when he comes!
Anyway, we have been celebrating Jon's B-day all weekend because we were not sure what the week might bring (NOTHING) so we started out going to dinner with his family on Friday night to Italian Village! Yum Yum! Then on saturday night I was so excited to give him his present I gave in a little early!! I got him ticket to ride the game, so we had a game night. Although, I did what any competitive wive would do and won him!! Sorry hun, maybe next time!!
So, here are a few pics of the Birthday boy!! I just want Jon to know how much I love and appreciate all he does for our little family! I am so thankful for him! He truely is my best friends in the whole world and couldn't imagine not having him in my life! I am grateful to be his eternal companion and can't wait to celebrate many many more birthdays with him! I love you hun!