August 4, 2008

Tag, your it!

Mckenzie tagged me so here goes...
6 things most people don't know about me (by the way I found out trying to do this tag that I am really lame!)

*I had to take steroids in 6th grade! Dang Belles Palsey
* I was in the spanish club in high school! Too bad all I remember is Hola!
* I got my arm stuck in a water drain, the kind in your gutter! Your welcome Chris Brems!
* I was a flying monkey in my jr. high's production of "The Wizard Of OZ" oh did I mention the head flying monkey!
* I recently snorkeled with sharks in the Bahamas
Last but not least
* I hate staying up past ten o'clock at night and hate waking up before ten o'clock in the morning!
I tag Stephanie, Ashley and Sarah


Ross family said... what do i do

Natalie Carver said...

Wow I leared a lot from this! But my favorite thing was that you were a flying monkey oh sorry.... head flying monkey in a play! Do you have that on tape cause I NEED to see that!

Erika said...

I busted up laughing when I read the flying monkey because I can still picture it! I read it to justin and he just laughed.

McKenzie said...

The flying monkey comment is definitely the best!!! I can just picture it... and strangely it reminds me of dance company!

Ashley said...

I had totally forgotten when you got your arm stuck in our storm drain! That memory just made my day! I also loved it when you were the "head flying monkey." I believe that was the same play where I was the air headed skeleton that carried a dust buster??