April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Litttle Buddy!!

On April 19 was Hayden's Birthday! I cant believe that he is 3. Wow, how time flies! He is such a joy in our lives. He is so funny and entertaining, I remember when we brought him home from the hospital I was so overwhelmed. But, he really has been the most angelic first child. He slept through the night right from the begining and everything since has been a breeze even potty training. I Love him so much and am so thankful to be a mother, I seriously couldn't imagine my life without him. He makes me smile, laugh even sometimes cry everyday. He loves swords, sticks & bats(he is such a boy). He loves to sing and I am so suprised at the songs that he memorizes. He also loves to act movies out, and gets so frustrated when I dont say the lines right. Anyway, I thought I would post some pics of him from the time he was born on... Hayden, we love you so much!! Thanks for the best three years of our lives!

2009 Birthday
2008 Wow! How they change in a year!

2007 Birthday

April 20, 2009


Sorry, I have been a huge slacker lately!! I have so many fun and exciting things happening and I ha ve not been blogging. So, bear with me while I get caught up with our exciting month!

April 15, 2009

House for Sale

Just wanted to post a warning to all of my wonderful neighbors..... our house is on the market. the sign should be up today. We are very sad to be leaving, we love our neighborhood but feel it is time for us to leave. We dont know where we are moving to, but eventually want to end up in the Daybreak area. Our biggest reason is we feel we should use some of our equity to pay off some debts (school). We will probably be living with my in laws for a while until we find the right house. Anyway, I just wanted to warn you and let my neighbors know we will miss you all very much. We are very thankful for the friendships we have made! Wish us luck!

April 2, 2009

Little Brother

Sorry, I havent posted for a very long time but I have just been trying to adjust to two children! Wow what a change but it has been great. Hayden is now pretty much potty trained!! I am so proud of him(he just cant figure out the pooping thing) but that will come! He has done so good and he is such a good brother. Everytime the baby cries he is so concerned and ready to help him! The adjustment has gone pretty well with the exception of when I am not taking care of the baby Hayden wants my undivided attention! Last friday my friend Ashley's sister in law took some pictures of the babe, I think they turned out great!! Thanks again Dani! Here they are!